Friday, July 30, 2010

University of Agriculture

The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) is a university in the city of Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. The first major institution of higher agricultural education was the Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute which was founded in 1906 in the undivided Punjab.
At independence in 1947 Pakistan was a predominantly agricultural country and in spite subsequent industrialization and development, agriculture remains central to its economy. After independence the Government of Pakistan appointed National Commissions on Food and Education with the terms of reference to review, in all its ramifications, the prevailing agrarian system and to formulate measures for developing the full potential of our agricultural resources. The Commissions made a strong plea for establishing an Agricultural university which could play a more vigorous role in promoting research and education in Agriculture was established by upgrading the former Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute in the year 1961-62.

The University's faculty comprises more than 500 teachers of whom 224 hold Ph.D. degrees mainly from foreign universities.

The University is organised into faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Sciences, and a Division of Education and Extension all located at the main campus in Faisalabad, and College of Veterinary Sciences at Lahore. These academic units offer a variety of study programmes leading to B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering, D.V.M., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Phil, and Ph.D. degrees in various disciplines of agriculture and allied fields.

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