Friday, July 30, 2010

Miss Farah Riaz Co-ordinator 2-Day Speech Therapy Workshop presents bouquet to the Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, Vice Chancellor UAF

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad has been providing community building services to the Campus Community in this regard a counseling centre is being established for the students to provide them counseling regarding stress management and carrier development. This was stated by Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, Vice Chancellor UAF while addressing the certificates distribution ceremony of 2-Day workshop on Speech Therapy” jointly organized by Day-Care Centre UAF and Punjab Medical College at STC Hall here on Wednesday.

Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan added that the Day-Care Centre of the University has become a sign of integrity for working women as their Infants, Kids, and Special Children are being taken care of by highly qualified staff. He maintained that Day Care Centre has been performing as a laboratory for human development and family studies for Post-Graduate students of Department of Rural Home-Economics.
Dr. Imtiaz Dogar, The Psychiatric from Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad urged the need for collaborative efforts at institutional levels to cope with such psychological problems. He lauded the efforts of UAF Administration regarding establishment of Day-Care Centre and school for special children.
Ms. Asma Bajwa, highlighted the hurdles of communication and briefed about stuttering, stammering and articulation to the participants and pointed out the psychological solutions through speech therapy. She also spoke on the stammering and clattering problems.
Miss Farah Riaz, Incharge Day-Care Centre UAF and workshop coordinator while highlighting the role of DCC said that UAF is planning to establish Montessori services for kids of Campus Community. She added that 34 students are participated the speech therapy course which has been successfully managed. in befitting manner.
Mr. Khalid Bhatti from GC UF, Moazzam Bin Zahoor, EDO Special Education and other dignitaries attended the closing ceremony. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan distributed certificates to the participants. 

Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan while inaugurating the wheat harvesting campaign

University of Agriculture Faisalabad will provide indigenous wheat production to its employees in soft monthly installments thereby to facilitate such employees who are not in position to pay the whole cost in one time. This assertion was given by Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan while inaugurating the wheat harvesting campaign here at campus on Saturday evening.

Dr. Iqrar A Khan said that by virtue of massive wheat sowing campaign of provincial government, this year the country will witness enormous wheat production. He emphasized the need for efficient storage facilities in government and private sector to keep it away from adulteration and other mites’ attacks. Dr. Khan said though wheat harvesting with combine harvester geared up the whole process but we have to provide such technologies to the farmers to arrest the growing trend of burning its residues into ashes and keep the environment clean and eco-friendly. He asked the director farms Dr. Sher Muhammad to submit such doable work plan to facilitate the low grade employees by providing them opportunity of wheat procurement on soft monthly installments.

Flag Smut

Urocystis agropyri

Symptoms: Masses of black teliospores are produced in narrow strips just beneath the epidermis of leaves, leaf sheaths and occasionally the culms. Diseased plants often are stunted, tiller profusely and the spikes may not emerge. A severe infection usually induces the leaves to roll, producing an onion-type leaf appearance. The epidermis of older diseased plants tends to shred, releasing the teliospores (14).

Development: Germinating kernels or very young seedlings are infected by germinating spores on the seed or in the soil. The disease continues to develop systemically, and the black subepidermal strips of teliospores become visible near heading. Infection is favored by low soil moisture and cool soil temperatures.

Hosts/Distribution: Bread wheats are the primary hosts of flag smut fungi, and the isolates attacking bread wheat tend to be so exclusively. There are few reports of flag smut on durum wheats and triticales. The disease is found in most winter wheat areas and in cool, fall-sown spring wheat areas.

Importance: Flag smut generally is not an economically important disease, but where present, yield losses can range from trace amounts to moderate levels (when susceptible cultivars are grown).

Loose Smut

Ustilago tritici
Symptoms: The entire inflorescence, except the rachis, is replaced by masses of smut spores (12). These black teliospores often are blown away by the wind, leaving only the bare rachis and remnants of other floral structures

Development: Wind blown teliospores that land on the flowers of wheat plants can germinate and infect the developing embryo of the kernel. The mycelium of the loose smut fungus remains dormant in the embryonic tissues of the kernel until the kernel begins to germinate. The mycelium then develops along with the growing point of the plant, and at flowering time replaces the floral parts of the spike with masses of black spores. Infection and disease development are favored by cool, humid conditions, which prolong the flowering period of the host plant.

Hosts/Distribution: The disease can occur wherever wheat is grown.

Importance: Yield losses depend on the number of spikes affected by the disease; incidence is usually less than one percent and rarely exceeds thirty percent of the spikes in any given location.